Beefmaster Cows
Since we are all too familiar with the challenging conditions in South Texas we can truly appreciate what Ed and Tom Lasater’s cattle were expected to thrive on when they began the Beefmaster breed. This experience in severe conditions has instilled in us a great amount of respect for the Beefmaster breed. It takes an exceptional cow to be able to not only flourish, but also raise a calf every year in that part of the country. So when the opportunity arose in 2017 to purchase a herd of commercial Beefmasters, we could not resist. In 2018 we decided to slowly start adding high quality registered animals, with the intention of moving our herd forward when it comes to EPD’s and carcass traits.
While we have many great Beefmaster cows with exceptional pedigrees, we feel that a Beefmaster must prove herself by meeting the criteria of the Six Essentials that the Beefmaster breed was founded on: Disposition, Fertility, Weight, Conformation, Hardiness and Milk Production. Being that most of our registered herd is only 4 years old, the process of selecting and verifying which cows qualify as donors has only just begun for us. Based on the calf crops we have had in the last 2 years, we feel confident that it will not be long before new donors are being added to our Beefmaster breeding program.
Listed below are cows that have either already proven themselves as donors in other breeders programs, or who have already established impressive breeding/production records in our books:

Registration Number: C1024576
Date of Birth: April 1, 2012
Sire: CF Dream Catcher
Dam: CJ'S Diamond of Soul
When we saw Black Diamond being offered in Clark Jone's sale in 2018 her write up said she was one of the best investment opportunities of the year. Being a direct daughter of CF Dream Catcher and the legendary Diamond of Soul 509, one of the top indexing donor cows in the breed, we were not surprised when she proved this statement to be true in the first year we owned her. She had come bred to CJ's Game Changer and that fall produce our herd bull FDR Boone that is in the top 1% in the 6 Growth categories including $T and $M, top 5% in BW and top 10% in Marbling. Eight months later we had 2 ET heifers sired by EMS Ring of Fire that both rank in the top 10% in 4 growth traits including $T and $M and top 15% in 4 Growth Traits. And her first aspiration resulted in 38 sexed heifer embryos. Needless to say, we are pleased with the returns we've had on this great investment and are excited to see the impact Black Diamond will have on our future herd.

CF 662/6 “Penny”
Registration Number: C1074212
Date of Birth: February 15, 2016
Sire: CF Adrenaline
Dam: Logan's Bengal Baby
We purchased Penny from the Collier Farms Advantage Sale in 2018. She came bred to TR Copperhead and the calf that resulted from that breeding alone was enough to impress us. Her next calf was also a bull calf out of our herd sire Lyssy 107/701 “C.T.” and is equally as impressive as the calf she had the previous year. Her older bull calf sold as a herd sire to a family in Luling and we are currently conditioning the 2nd calf to sell as a herd sire as well. Her 3rd calf is a stunning heifer that is every bit as feminine and pretty as her momma. We have been extremely pleased with everything about this cow and feel that she has phenomenal breeding potential considering that with 3 different sires, she has produced 3 outstanding calves. But this comes as no surprise being that she is a daughter of Collier Farms great donor cow Logan’s Bengal Baby, who by 4 years old began to produce some of the highest selling and most attractive cattle that Collier Farms has ever offered in their Advantage Sales.

BB Sex Appeal 620/7 “Bubbles”
Registration Number: C1081819
Date of Birth: February 28, 2017
Sire: CF Front Runner
Dam: C1052487
Bubbles was also purchased in the Collier Farms Advantage Sale in 2018 as an open heifer and we fell in love with her the moment we got her home. One look at her picture and you can see that everything about this cow exemplifies the characteristics that Beefmaster breeders strive to produce. She took the first time we A.I’d her. She weaned her first calf at an impressive 789 lb., and did it while also maintaining an outstanding BCS. She has a picture perfect udder and one of the sweetest dispositions of any cow in the herd. Her impressive performance at only 3 years old has helped to give her very first calf a $M that’s in the top 15% of the breed.

Contact Us
Becki Rion • Owner:
Dennis Rion • Owner:
Madison Rion • Marketing Manager:
Jerry Morales • Ranch Foreman:
210-559-7546 • Se Habla Español
Gary Bruns • Director of Operations & Sales:
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