Beefmaster Sires
Since Beefmasters are known by the slogan “The Profit Breed” we put a very heavy emphasis on selecting bulls with not only the EPD’s to back up this slogan, but we also require all our bulls to have superior physical attributes as well. A bull can have the best genetics and EPD’s in the breed, but if he can’t travel well and walk the pastures to breed cows, he’s not going to be a profitable bull for anyone. Along with proven genetics and superior physical attributes, we also put a very heavy emphasis on disposition as well. You often hear how no one wants a rank bull either because of the safety problems they create, how difficult they are to work with or because their genetics create the same problems in their offspring. The conversations surrounding bulls with poor dispositions are almost always focused on the handling of the animals. While we do feel this is important for the obvious reasons, you rarely hear about what we feel is also a very detrimental result of a poor temperament…the bottom line of their offspring. And not just from a registered standpoint, but more importantly from a commercial standpoint. It is a well studied and documented fact that the disposition of feeder cattle plays a significant role in all aspects of beef production. Docile cattle have higher average daily gains, heavier carcass weights, more fat cover and larger ribeyes. In the end, breeding animals with docile dispositions results in significantly higher quality carcasses and higher average profits per head.
This leads us to believe that disposition is more than a convenience trait and should play an important role when choosing a herd sire.

Registration Number: C1119535
Date of Birth: November 22, 2018
Sire: CJ's Game Changer
Dam: CJ's Black Diamond
All someone has to do is look at Boone’s pedigree and know; he’s good!
His sire, CJ’s Game Changer is in the top 1% of the breed for CE, BW, WW, YW, SC, $T and $M. He is also in the top 1% for Marbling and top 15% for REA. And if that isn’t good enough, his dam is out of CJ’s Diamond of Soul, one of the highest indexing cows in the breed, that ranks in the top 1% in eight performance categories. This bull has a pedigree that is packed with proven and predictable performance driven genetics. We can’t wait to see the improvements this bull is going to make in our Beefmaster herd. First calves will start hitting the ground September of this year.
We have conventional semen available for Domestic and International use on FDR Boone at this time.

Lyssy 107/706 “Romeo”
Registration Number: C1098552
Date of Birth: October 24, 2017
Sire: New Design
Dam: Oasis II - Clone

Lyssy 107/701 “C.T.”
Registration Number: C1098555
Date of Birth: October 9, 2017
Sire: Maverick
Dam: SWB Sunny

Contact Us
Becki Rion • Owner:
Dennis Rion • Owner:
Madison Rion • Marketing Manager:
Jerry Morales • Ranch Foreman:
210-559-7546 • Se Habla Español
Gary Bruns • Director of Operations & Sales:
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