Commercial cows
When we purchased the commercial herd in 2017, the first thing we did was begin a significant culling process. And while we did cull for the obvious reasons, things like bad temperaments, poor fertility and bad udders, we did not cull based on color. Our primary concern was to create a herd of cattle that were good breeders, good mommas, had good udders and could raise a calf with a high weaning weight every year. Once we had that established we then began to decipher which cows would be better utilized as commercial breeders and which ones would be better suited at producing heifers that could be utilized as high quality recipient cows.
Our philosophy is that a good cow is a good cow, period. And our goal is to always find a production role for a good cow in our herd.
Contact Us
Becki Rion • Owner:
Dennis Rion • Owner:
Madison Rion • Marketing Manager:
Jerry Morales • Ranch Foreman:
210-559-7546 • Se Habla Español
Gary Bruns • Director of Operations & Sales: